- Equitrade Immobilier, social seat: 23600 Malleret-Boussac (France)
- Postal address: Equitrade Immobilier, BP 28, 23600 BOUSSAC
- Phone: +33(0) – Fax : +33(0) – Mobile : +33(0)
- SAS with a capital of 8 000 euros, R.C.S. Guéret 431 305 911 – Gestion number 2012 B 186
- SIRET 431 305 911 00023, Intracommunity VAT number FR 19431305911.
- Professional card number CPI-2301-2018-000027736 delivered by the CCI of Guéret.
- RC Agent Immobilier MMA 14 bd Marie et Alexandre Oyon 72030 Le Mans.
- Guarantee Fund Galian-Non-détention de fonds- 89 rue de la Boétie 75008 Paris.
The creation of hypertext links to the equitrade-immo.com website requires the prior and written authorization of Equitrade Immobilier. Equitrade Immobilier cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the content of sites linked to its own. Copyright : In accordance with the texts and dispositions governing the copyrights, the literary and artistic property rights and/or the neighbouring rights, the reproduction, the representation and the use of all or part of the elements composing the site equitrade-immo. com for any other purpose than private use is forbidden without the written authorization of the website’s editor. The images and texts published on this site are the exclusive property of Equitrade Immobilier and may not be downloaded, broadcast, stored, recorded, used, modified, retransmitted, or distributed in any way; The law makes it an offence to use the content of this website for any purpose other than those expressly mentioned herein, without the prior written permission of the website’s publisher. The law incriminates under the law of counterfeiting any reproduction, representation or dissemination, by any means whatsoever, of a work of the mind in violation of the rights of the author, as defined and regulated by law (CPI, art L.335-3). Price list including VAT
Non-exclusive mandate
Net selling price including VAT |
Remuneration incl. VAT |
Up to 9 000,00 euros |
1 600,00 euros |
from 10 001,00 to 19 000,00 euros |
2 300,00 euros |
from 20 000,00 to 29 000 euros |
3 000,00 euros |
from 30 000,00 to 99 000,00 euros |
10% |
from 100 000,00 to 149 000,00 euros |
9% |
from 150 000,00 to 199 000,00 euros |
8% |
from 200 000,00 to 299 000,00 euros |
7% |
more than 300 000,00 euros |
6% |
Exclusive mandate
Net selling price including VAT |
Remuneration incl. VAT |
Up to 9,000.00 euros |
1600,00 euros |
from 10 000,00 to 19 000,00 euros |
2 300,00 euros |
from 20 000,00 to 29 000 euros |
3 000,00 euros |
from 30 000,00 to 99 000,00 euros |
10% |
from 100 000,00 to 149 000,00 euros |
9% |
from 150 000,00 to 199 000,00 euros |
8% |
from 200 000,00 to 299 000,00 euros |
7% |
more than 300 00,00 |
6% |